Monday, March 31, 2014

The completion of short story MONO

A few years ago, I have completed the very short story of Mono; (here's the link)

After that, I realized the story can be furthered so I keep on writing about it (and thinking of publishing it). But long after that, I realized I shouldn't try to publishing it because I got a feeling (strongly) that I have seen this story from somewhere. I wish to know where I had watch it before because I still remember that dream vividly (what kind of japanese movie am I watching actually??). Still, allow me to present you (please don't sue me for copywrite...) The complete version of MONO.

(PS: If somebody plagiarised, misused, and take this story without my permission, allow me to sue you. hahahaha)

Once, when I was small, I saw a boy, his name is mono.
I was 9 at that time; I come to the beach with my families. Not many people come to this beach because of its rural place. In that village most of the families are fisherman people and that is why when they saw my family who came from city they amazed with us. But we're not really special or anything, we just come to find a place where we can spend our time quietly.
It’s 9 am. Mother and I open the blanket to make the space for her to sit and lying down while watching me at the beach. Father comes from his car bringing lunch box. And then father and mother sit quietly watching me playing with the sand. I wonder.... what were they thinking?
“Hiroshi! Don’t go play too far, you will get lost!” shout mother toward me.
“Yes mother!” And I kept on playing sand by my own.
The day becomes hotter.
I come to mother and ask “Mother, what time it is?”
“It’s 11 am. I think we can have lunch right now,” Say mother while she look at her wristwatch. While mother prepare the lunch, a boy come out of nowhere look at us. he looks around 6 years old, his skin were brown like chocolate milk, it might be because of tanning, but he wear a big clothes that it looks so loose and might fall from his body if he didn't tied it up with belt and rope around his body.
“come here, boy. Come eat with us,” say mother toward that boy.
He slowly comes to us.
“Come on, eat the food. We have plenty,” say mother while showing him all the food that we have. Father and I look at him, not knowing what to do.
He then sit and take the food. He chews the food slowly.
“What is your name?” ask mother. The boy just remains silent and nodded.
“How old are you?” ask father. But he keep on remaining silent and nodding.
“Can you speak?” ask mother. This time he looks at her, but he still silent and nodding. Does he can’t speak or does he not understand any word that we said?
In the end he didn't speak any words for any question that my parent asks. We didn't realize it because he wears big clothes, but when we look at him carefully, he is so skinny, like he never eats anything before. Mother gives him food and told him to eat more. He just eat silently, and bowing his head, nodding everything. It seems like he didn't understand what we're talking about.
“Hiroshi, go and play with this boy,” say mother to me.
“What? But I don’t want to play with this kid,” say me while look at him. He just looks at me and my parents.
“Just do what your mother wants,” say father with strict voice.
I reluctantly answer my parents “Yes father, yes mother.”
Finally I give in and I play with that boy. While I build the castle, he scrapes the sand with a stick. So he also doesn't want to play with me. This made me angry and I ignored him and continue build the castle. While I playing sand, I keep an eye on my parents. They just look at me, waving their hand and smiling. This time I won't be fooled.
Whenever I went away from my parents, they would always argue with each other. Even once when I sleep in my room, I awoke with their argument. Their argument becoming so intense to the point they look like demon that fighting with each other. However, this trip will be our final trip as a family. Soon father and mother will separate and I have to choose which one I should live with. I really hate that choice, and I won't let it happen no matter what.
But when I realized that boy ignored me completely and only focusing in scraping the sand with stick, I was really angry that I focused all my attention to build the castle, until I heard a slap sound. The sound comes from my father slapping my mother's face. Normally if I got slapped like that from father, I will cry out loud and father will reconcile with me, but from mother and father's face, they still has more to arguing, and this enraged me so much.
I had enough! This is too much! I don't want to choose any one of them!
At that time, I still remember what I had asked to mono.
"You! Bring me to your home, let me live with you! I don't want to live with my parents!” At that time, he just looks at me and just nodding his head. He walk to show the way but being impatient, I pull his hand and run away from my parents.
Mother and father don’t realize my absence because they are still arguing.
We run and run until my legs give in. I feel very tired, but when I can’t see their face, I was very happy. I even thought I won't see their face again. The boy looks at me. His face doesn't even show any emotion. He must be wondering what I was doing.
“Are you wondering why I did this?” I ask him but he’s just being silent.
“If you don’t want to listen, forget it.” that’s what I planned to do but a while later, I opened my mouth.
“My parents dislike each other. They are fighting for something that is meaningless. Why can’t they see that this is both of their faults? And father and mother doesn’t even want to listen to me.” And then I looked at mono. He just looks at me for a while and continue walk.
“Hey, stop ignoring me and say something!” shout me for being angry at him.
He then looks at me. From his face, he doesn’t even feel anything from my shout.
This person really makes my blood boiling “Are you mute? Or are you deaf? When people ask you question, answer it!!”
But he just looks at me without any emotion in his face. It’s like I’m talking to a wall.  Calm down Hiroshi, don’t be mad. He might not be able to understand my word. Teacher once told me about people who can’t speak and can’t talk, and how sad is their life. Teacher also said as a human, we must be considerate to others. And if I be mad at him, I will be just like my parents. Therefore, I must do another way to communicate with him. Then I place my hand at my chest and I say my name.
He just stares at my hand where I placed at my chest.
“Hiroshi,” I said it again.
He looked at me.
“Hiroshi!” again I shout my name at him.
“HI-RO-SHI!!” again I called my name. And I look at him right at his eyes to make him understand.
He looked at me. Does he understand?
“Iirohi….” say the boy. His word makes me very surprise.
“You can talk?! You can talk?!!! Finally you spoke!!!” shout me with surprised. Somehow I felt like I have unlocked this person’s ability to talk.
“If you can talk, why you didn’t say it? I had though you are mute and deaf you know,” But this times the boy just silent. And then he looks around, as he sees the sun has going down, he realize the evening has come.
I want to continue my conversation “bah, forget it, I… ” but he walks away from me “…HEY WAIT!!!” I shout and chase him.
I follow him from walking across the river to walking across the jungle until I arrive at an old wooden house. It’s not too big or too small, and it's just a normal house like any others, but it looks scary, like a haunted house. He enters the house through the big broken window of that house. I follow him through that window too. The inside was dark, dusty and the furniture was a mess. I can even smell something smelly inside the house. If mother is here, she would scold me for making this entire mess and father doesn’t even want to live in this place, but is this how he lived for his entire life inside that house?
But I have come so far. At least I have to come and talk to him. I walk inside the house to find that boy. He is standing in front of a room.
As I try to talk to him, I heard a shout. I was surprised, and in a split second, the shout turn to cry, and the cry turn to laughter. It comes inside that room. And then he takes out the small crab, shell, and the food that mom gave him (when did he keep all this thing?) before and come inside the room. Why does he collect them? When he come into the room, the noise has quiet down. I take a peek inside the room. It was quite a sight. I saw a woman, having a messy hair and tattered clothes hug him while mumbling something. The voice weren't clear as her voice is cracking, but I heard the repeating sounds like 'mono'. So his name is mono huh? That is what I thought when I heard it. I can’t hear her words clearly and it makes me want to come closer so I open the door.
But I made a mistake. I shouldn't have opens the door to see the woman. She was really surprise at me and holds the blunt knife near her.
I tried to say something “Wait, I…” But she mumbling and shouting something I don't even understand. the only word I have ever understand is during she rise the knife and move it fast towards me and that word is "GET LOST FROM MY MONO!!"
Oh my gosh! That words spook me! I overslept. The train is moving fast. It makes me realize the time also moving so fast. It has been 20 years since then. I look at my hand. It has a big scar, made by that woman. Luckily I still can move my hands normally. After she attacked me, I manage to run away from that house and meet my parents back. I told my parents about that woman, and they called the police. The police finally caught the woman, but they couldn't find mono, and not even a trace of a child living in that place. It’s as if he is a ghost. In the end, I have to go back home because of fever from that injury. Not long after that, mother and father divorce and since then I lived with my mother until I graduate from school and work as a salary man. Since then I don't know what happened to mono. But then I heard that village where I met mono will be gone soon. The villagers have moved out from their house and soon all of the houses will be demolish and a new industrial factory will be build. By the time I got that news, I got a feeling that I have to come back. Somehow I have a feeling that mono is there, continue to be forgotten.
The train arrives at the destination. A middle age man standing beside a car, come and greet me. "Welcome, umm..."
"Hiroshi, nice to meet you." I answer him.
"Right, Mr. Hiroshi, I’m Tachibana, your guide to my village," said Tachibana with a smile. He opens the car door for me. After I get into the car, he starts the engine and moves the car.
"How long will you be here?" I ask Tachibana while he driving.
"I will be here until next week. The demolition will begin next month," said Tachibana.
"I’m sorry for troubling you."
"It’s alright. Beside you have told me your story. My grandfather and uncle also want me to help you to investigate it," said Tachibana. His grandfather was the chief of the village before this. Now the government wants to compensate him and his villager if he sold the village to the government. Soon, this village will be a factory. "My uncle was a police. Now he retired, but he did involve in that case before, but the case closed few years later after you went out from my village because we can't find any further trace for the kid."
"Not a single trace?" I asked him.
"That’s what we can deduce at that time," said Tachibana.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked him again. Now this seems puzzled to me.
Tachibana then spoke "During that time, the village doesn't have enough tools and power to investigate even one case in more details. even the police in nearby town doesn't want to waste their time on this rural village to find one unknown kid, even more the one that doesn't look like he exist. Uncle had no choice but to close the case because our only clue to that boy, that mad woman died later on."
A silence occurs for a minute.
I was surprised for the reason of the closed case, but I need to know more about mono, so I asked him "Can you tell me more about this mad woman?"
Tachibana be silent for a moment. But then he opens his mouth, “Hmm.... I don't know what her name is... My mother once told me about how she is a kind person before, and her parent died when she was in high school, so she started living alone. When she finished her school, she works at nearby town as a librarian, but she still living alone. Some people are worried with her living alone that some of the men in village proposed to her for her own safety. She rejects those men until she met a man at a place where she worked at. I heard he was a soldier, very knowledgeable especially in survival skills. She fell in love with him and the neighbors heard the rumors that he even proposed her. However, he died in a very horrible way," he stopped talking. The car has arrived at the destination. Tachibana look at me, wondering if I want to continue listening to his story again.
"Go on," I said to him. And Tachibana spoke again.
"You see, it seems that he suicide inside her house. He left a letter for her and doing hara-kiri (cut stomach) in the house while she was gone. Inside the letter, he wrote about the war where he was once killing so many innocent people and how he lives in regret and emptiness like a doll. but no matter whatever he do, he still feels regret and empty, so he take responsibility and took his justice just like a human being, instead living like a meaningless machine. But since then, she shies away from her neighbors and began to act like a mad person. And it becoming worse that nobody wants to come near to her. Hence, when we get the news that she had a child, it really shook us. She wasn't even married to that person, you know. We even feared that the child is kidnapped or something, but we still can't find any lead in the house. When she was caught, uncle told me she just muttering something nonsense until she took her last breath."
"What did she said at that time?"
"Hmm... something about her own precious thing, like that," said Tachibana.
Finishing the conversation, I stood up from the car. Now I have arrived at the house where mono lead me and met that mad woman.
"It’s okay, let's look inside the house first." and we enter the house.
Inside the house is a total mess and dustiness. Tachibana give me a mask to wear and he also wears the mask. We then search inside the house from living room to the any other room. This house is very messy, but there is no trace of a child living inside the house. Tachibana look at me, wondering what I would do. I try to remember back most of the thing when I was inside the house. My hand getting numb when the memory that woman raising the knife toward me resurfaces, but I calm my mind and try my best to recollect the even that happened.
Then I walk to the living room and tell Tachibana how it happened from the moment I enter the house until I open the door where I met her. 
"And then she raises the knife at me and said 'give me back my mono!' "
"Wait," said Tachibana.
"Mono is that kid name?" ask Tachibana with wondering.
"Well... because she keeps on mumbling like that to him, so I assuming ‘mono’ is his name." I tell that to him.
"Hiroshi... I think I realize something." and he bring me to a shelf inside the master bedroom, the room where I opened the door and met the mad woman. He opened the shelf and he shows me a big size box. 
There’s a character write at the box but it is not very clear.
"Hiroshi, I found this box, and I opened it, but there is nothing inside, but if you tell me the about that person who called mono, then this character might be related to this person." He write the character with the pen, and the character now can be seen.

   Mono (thing, object, possession) 

I was surprised. Tachibana then talk, "If my deduction is correct, there must be something that can be opened inside this box." And he search and manage to find a rope that when it pulled, it open the wall inside the box. 
"This hole is small, but I think we can get inside one person by one person." As he said that, he realizes the inside is dark and he said, “Wait here, I will take torchlights.” He taking torchlights from his car and give one of it to me whiles his other hand holds torchlight. Tachibana enter the hole and then I enter it too.
The hole getting bigger and more things can be seen inside the hole. This hole looks like a storage room, made by woods, only that there are children's clothes and toys inside this room. Tachibana looks more inside this place and he found out there are big and worn out bed and a small shelves. As he opens the shelves, he found clothes for a pregnant woman. “I guess she hide herself inside this place and giving birth to this person who you called him 'mono'. and then both of them tries to live in secret, unknown to the outside world, until she breakdown and becoming mad, or she has becoming mad way before that." But I remained silent to his explanation.
Tachibana realize about it and try to ask me "why are you silent?"
"I...I was surprised.... he....all this time... he has been living like this with that woman...." my words were stuttering as I was holding my tears. I thought my life has been a hell for me, but I never knew there is someone who lives their life far worse than me. I shed tears for this person who unbeknownst I named him mono, but the truth about that name really makes me feel sad.
"Yeah," said Tachibana "Sadly, I can't found any identification for that child. Maybe his name is '私の大切なもの (watashi no taisetsunamono)(my precious thing).'"
Tears almost come into my eyes. I shake off my head and searching more for his clues. “He must be alive! I must believe in it!"
Tachibana look at me, stunned, but he then helped me to find the clue about him too. 
We searched and searched, until we manage to find a hole at one corner of the room. The hole was small, but it can be fit for children to go inside that hole. Later, Tachibana and I agree to make that hole bigger. After we opened the wall at the hole, we entered it. The inside is like a cave, but there is a light near the other side of the exit. We walked and we saw a beach. But before we getting to the beach, Tachibana suddenly pat at my shoulder. I turned around and I was surprised, there was a person with a big blanket lying near the side of the cave! We rushed to this person.
Tachibana and I were very surprised, this person looks like he's in teenagers, but he's so skinny and pale, it's as if he were dying.
"Hang on!" said Tachibana, but he doesn't even move an inch. I was wondering what I should do, but the only thing I did just shout at him "MONO!" Though I wish not to call him that word.
But he reacts to that word. He then look at me for a while, with this disbelieve look, and he said, "...Iiirohii?"
We surprised with his word, but finally tears falls in my eyes. Finally I found mono. We carry him out from this cave and walk towards the beach. By the time we got out from the cave, I see a beach.  I realize that beach is where I come and having picnic with my families, and where I found him. And I understood why he's here. He is waiting for me, to get out from this place.

“Mr. Hiroshi, the doctor is calling you,” said the nurse while holding a file in her hand.
Tachibana, I and an Inspector Hajime enter the room where the doctor calling us.
Once we enter, doctor look at both of us. He then look at Tachibana and ask, “Mr. Hiroshi?”
“No, I’m Tachibana.”
“Sorry, I thought you were the one.” And he looks at me and bows his head. I also bow to him. He shows chairs to us “Please, have a seat.” And all of us sit on it.
He then looks at the papers and X-ray picture “About this patient Mono…”
Without finishing his sentences, I quickly ask him, “Is he alright?”
“Thank goodness both of you manage to bring him here. He is in the very bad condition but now he passed the critical state.” Finally Tachibana and I give a relieve sigh. “But I need to tell both of you about this.”
 And he takes a paper and read it onto us “Most of his fat in his body are almost gone and he has early symptom malnutrition disease like marasmus. He also has some injury on his body like he has been attacked by wild animals and…” And then he takes all the X-ray pictures and paste it to the wall that has lamp inside it “If you see, some of the bones in his rib are fractured, and his hip are dislocated recently, and his wrist are broken, but we have relocate all of it back, and most of this broken injury are because his bone are lacking calcium, which cause his to have slight osteoporosis. And these are what affect his growth, which is why he looks like he’s in adolescent state. ”
Doctor look at us. He can see our shocked face. I almost shed my tears watching how badly his condition is.
“You know, I almost cried looking at his condition…” And he rub his eyes with his finger “I can’t believe that such a person managed to survive in that kind of condition. “
“I know, Hiroshi and Tachibana have told everything to me who is in charge of this case,” said Inspector Hajime with a sad face “Even my subordinate that comes to the scene also crying seeing that secret room inside that abandoned house. I can’t believe that a child can survive in that environment for a long time, especially without any help from adult.”
I don’t know what else to say but “Poor Mono…”
“Is that really his name, Mr. Hiroshi?”
I shake my head “No, it’s the only word that I heard from his own mother.” And Tachibana nodded, agreeing with me.
“Yes. The police couldn’t find his birth certificate and any other trace that lead to his identification although they prove that Mono does live there,” said Inspector Hajime.
“Except the kanji ‘mono’ for the thing…” said Tachibana.
“Then we really have no choice but to let that be his name for now.” and doctor takes an empty birth certificate paper and pull a paper. He then writes Mono name on that paper.
“Doctor!” shout a nurse after she bang the door “The patient that you treated has wake up and rampaging out!”
“What?!”  All of us rushed to see Mono.
We all are arrived to see Mono runs around inside his room.
“Bring the anesthetic!” say the doctor to the nurse “Inspector, please help us.”
“Understood.” And they come to catch Mono.
“Waaaahhhaaaaah!!” Mono struggle against the doctor and inspector with all his might.
“Calm down, we’re not-ugh!!” The inspector’s face is being kicked by Mono. But he still continues holding him.
“Let us help!” said Tachibana and I as things becoming tenser. But Mono doesn’t stop struggling and kick and bite and scratch us like there’s no end.
Finally we manage to pin all his hands and legs “Just calm down, it hurts a bit.” And doctor injects him with the anesthetic. “Uuu…” He finally calms down and goes to sleep, and we bring him on his bed. 
“I can’t believe with this guy.” say the inspector “He’s like struggling like we’re his worst nemesis.”
“This might be my hypothesis, but I think he is in fear with human.” say the doctor. “Because when he was child, why has he never try getting in contact with people for help and such?”
“But he was waiting near the place where we meet.”
Listening to my words, the doctor then said “Maybe fear with adult is more correct then.”
“If this goes on, he will have to be admitted to the mental hospital soon.” say Inspector Hajime to doctor.
“Mental hospital? Mono is not sick in mental! He needs help!”
            “But even so, can he live normally?” ask inspector “Just look how much damage he has done to us.” And he points at all of us, where we got bruises and bite marks from Mono “Do you think he is safe to live with other people? I don’t think so, I have deal with lots of child abuse, and I tell you most that act like this usually end in mental hospital.”
“But that decision is too rash, inspector.” say Tachibana. “We should ask doctor about this first.” And all of us look at doctor, waiting for his answer.
“….” Doctor is being silent “First of all, I’m sorry because this is the first time I have ever deal in this case. I don’t know whether he should be treated as mental patient or not. However, I think I know someone who can help. He is a man who has been researching about these kinds of cases.”
A ray of hope comes when I listen to doctor’s word. “Then…”
“I have contact him, he will come tomorrow. Then we can discuss what we should do with this patient,” say doctor to us especially Inspector Hajime as he look at him directly in the eyes.
Realizing that, the inspector reply “Alright, but I recommend you to bind his hands and legs. We don’t know what will happen if you didn’t do.”
I really wish to oppose what he had said. But looking at our bruise made me change my mind. I’m sorry Mono, but I can’t say anything.
On the roof, I stand while holding fence to look at the scenery that lighted with the moonlight. The view is dim, but I pay no mind with it because my eyes seeing further than my sight.
The inspector is right. Even if Mono managed to be saved and survived from that hellhole, how will he live? What kind of work can he do? Can he live without harming people? But most important of all, what can I really do for him?
I’m a salary man who live with my own mother in Tokyo, the city which has high living cost, where my salary is just enough for me and my mother to live in our small apartment. Even more, I always work from morning till night. Even handling my own life is hard enough, can I even taking care of him in the future?
If he stay in mental hospital, he doesn’t have to worry about food and place to stay, there are even people who in charge of taking care of him. But he will never be treated like a normal person and never to get out from that place…
What is the right choice for Mono?
KRINGG!!! The sound of emergency bell is heard!
“What the…?” I run to stairs to the corridor. The hospital is in chaos. Patients and nurses are in panic. What is happening here?
“There you are!!” shout Tachibana, gasping for breath after running around. “This is bad!! Mono run away from the hospital!!!”
“WHAT!!” I can’t believe with what he said! “Isn’t he being tied up?!”
“He is very smart.” And Tachibana come near me “He playing dead to make the doctors let go of the rope and take the chance to create havoc and smash everything. The sound of emergency bell occur because by chance he manage to break it.”
“Then, where is Mono now?”
“The police are searching for him.” And he lean on wall to rest. “Hah,” He gave a breath after his gasping is gone. “We can’t do anything now but wait for his news.”
Mono… what on earth are you doing? If this goes on, you will go to the mental hospital! Are you really has mental problem? Maybe this is all I can do for you…
“Iiirohi…” A flashback come to my mind. Something triggers in my heart. Is he really sick in his mind?
“Hiroshi?” Ask him after he seeing me silent for a while.
“I have to go.” And I walk.
“Wait Hiroshi! Where are you going?!”
“People misunderstood Mono! I have to come to correct it!”
“No Hiroshi, Stop!!!”
The sound of the siren police is heard till 3 houses. The police surround the park that has dense forest where Mono is hiding.
“Prepare yourself. Although this man is injured, he still can bites.” said Inspector Hajime to his subordinate while they preparing to catch Mono.
“Wait!!” shout me as I gasping for out of breath.
“Mr. hiroshi!” said Inspector Hajime, surprised seeing me here. “Please stay back, this is dangerous.”
“No! (Gasping) Mono is not sick in his mind!!”
“You still talking about this?! Can’t you see what he has done in the hospital?!!”
“He’s doing it because he’s scared! How long do you think he has been living without human?!”
“I know what you mean, but I have to consider the safety of the public, he is dangerous.”
“Please.” I hold both of his shoulder “Just let me talk to him.”
“Mr. Hiroshi…” he stopped saying anything after seeing how serious I am. “Are you sure?”
“…..” Inspector Hajime reconsider back. “Alright, let’s try it. But you have to wear all the protective gear.”
“Thank you inspector.” The police give me the protective gear from head to toe. I wear it all except the head part.
“That’s dangerous, wear the helmet.” said Inspector Hajime.
“No, I have to. He needs to know my face to remember back who I am.”
And I enter the park.
The park is silent and very dark, that once I enter a few meter, Inspector Hajime said, “Let me go with you too!”
“No! Just let me!”
“Please Inspector Hajime, just trust me on this.”
And then I walk inside more until I can’t see the sight of the police. Of course I felt scared right now, but my feeling to save Mono right now is more than that. Since it’s dark, I just walk randomly while shouting Mono’s name.
But there’s no sight of him. Mono you idiot, nobody want to harm you. Just come out already!
Still no sight of him. The trees and nights making this place look eerie. Has he living like this for his whole life? How lonely have he been during all these years alone? Why doesn’t he even want to ask for help from people?
With all these thoughts lingering on my mind, I keep on walking and calling Mono, but there’s still no sight of him.
Having no idea where to go, I lean on the tree.
What? “Mono?” And he quickly tries to jump to another tree, but he missed his hand!
“MONO!!!” I run to catch him from falling!!
It hurts!!! Luckily I manage to catch him.
“aahh…wah…” Mono wants to run away from his grap.
I grasp him with all my might “Enough, you won’t go-ugh!” He give me a push with his hand!
“Grr….” He tries to let go from me. I won’t let you go! Try it!
As I hold him, I realize how his hand is getting weaker. Mono is losing his energy, and I manage to look at him through his finger.
Although it is dark, and I can’t see him clearly, I can see how his small body is shaking and he look very pale and in pain. He is very hurt and afraid of me.
Mono then felt something wet from my face. He let go of his hand and look at me crying like a kid.
“Mono..” I said to him “Mono… you idiot… you have been waiting for me all along… yet you forget me…. I’m sorry… I coming late….”
“…” Mono being silent as he can’t comprehend why I am crying.
“Mono, You big dummy!! Stop making me worry!!”
I startled. “Now you realize me? It’s me, Hiroshi.”
“Uuhh..” And tears come to his eyes “Iiirohi…”
I hug him tightly. I can’t tell how happy I am, knowing Mono knows me. “Yes, it’s me.”
“Huu… Iirohi… Iiirohi…Iirohi!! Waaa!!” He cries in my hug. And I also cry with him.

Morning has come. Inside Mono’s room, I have waked up with my swelling eyes. Tachibana come “(snickering) You look like panda.” Said him while holding his laugh.
“Stop it, Mr. Tachibana.” This is embarrassing…
“But it is funny. You cry like a baby with Mono for almost an hour inside that park.” And then he handed me a newspaper for today “Look at the main title, ‘Two men howling in the park’! This has become hot news! Hahahaha!!”
“Cut it out!”   
He read the paper “That night we have hearing how ‘manly’ that cries that night…”
“WAAAHHH!!” I quickly put my head in the pillow.
“Alright, alright.” Tachibana patted me “Anyway, it thanks to you that Mono can calm himself.”
And then Tachibana look at my left where Mono on his bed, bandaged and sleeping soundly with his swelling eyes.
“…” I remove the pillow and look at him “Not really… I actually don’t have any idea what to do at that time… luckily he remember who I am at that time.”
“No, you saved him.” Tachibana smiled at me “Not many people can do what you’re doing. People normally turn their eyes away from this, but you even try to come to find him in that old abandoned village and when he causes trouble you’re the one who helped him. You do it without asking for anything in return.”
“…” I blushed hearing him said that. I seriously never thought of that before. But I’m not a very great person, I even though of letting Mono in mental hospital, thinking that I can’t help him…
“The doctor has told me that he will come soon.”
“The man whom we will discussed about Mono.”
“Oh, I get ready then.” And I get up from bed.
“I will be waiting at the lobby, if there’s anything, call me.”
“Alright.” Tachibana goes out from the room. I went to my room and take a bath and wear my clothes. And then I walk to the lobby. But just before I go, I take a peek at Mono’s room. He still sleeps soundly. Seeing him like that, I get more strength to go and meet that man.
I waiting at the lobby with Tachibana until the doctor call us.
“Mr. Hiroshi, Mr. Tachibana,” said the doctor while walking with a man that look around 50 years old, both of them are holding a case bag. “This is Professor from M University, Prof. Kai Goto.”
“Hello.” Tachibana and I bow to him.
“Hello.” Mr. Kai Goto also bows to us. “I am a professor in psychology, but my specialization is on pedagogy.”
“It is the science and art of education, specifically instructional theory where it emphasis the ability of attaining knowledge of human being, and how human perceive the learning.”
“Mhm…” Reply Tachibana and I, nodding it although I might not really understand what it is.
“Doctor has told me about the case of Mono, is it possible if I seeing him now?” ask Mr. Kai Goto.
The doctor looks at me. I nod at him, showing sign it is possible. “I think he can now. Let’s go and meet him.”
We walk to Mono’s room where Mono is still sleeping soundly. The doctor check on his condition. After checking him, doctor said, “Considering his situation, there’s no wonder he’s sleeping soundly. Even it is unimaginable that he can move around and struggle yesterday.”
“Human can do something unimaginable when their life is at their stake.” said Mr. Kai Goto.
Mr. Kai Goto look around Mono, and then he said “Mr. Hiroshi.”
“(Snickering) What you’re doing yesterday is very amazing.” He then take out the newspaper from his coat and read it “Even at the picture that took by the journalist shows how much your tears come with some snot, hahaha.”
“….” I just look away, embarrassing about it.
“No, I’m praising you, Mr. Hiroshi. You have given him what he really need the most.”
 Doctor and Tachibana smile at me. I really can’t look at them. I can even feel my face getting redder.
“Let’s go and discuss about Mono, everyone.” said Kai Goto.
“Come here, I show you the discussion room.” said the doctor. He led us to the discussion room not far from Mono’s room.
After we arrived, Kai Goto takes out his bag containing a lot of files. “These files are the evidence from Mono’s house brought by Inspector Hajime, including the ones about his mother by Tachibana’s uncle. He can’t come today because he has another case to attend, so he give it to me earlier.” And then he gives it to us to read it together.
“I also present you Mono condition too, Mr. Kai Goto.” And Doctor gives him the files.
“Oh, thank you. Let me read it.”
I read all the information about Mono’s house and his mother although I already know everything about it in order to understand more about Mono.
After everyone has read all the information we have, Kai Goto spoke “There’s something I didn’t told all of you before. Actually, 10 years ago, I once met Mono’s mother on a mental hospital. Therefore, I have seen what kind of person is Mono’s mother.”
“What kind of person is she?” Ask me.
“She is very afraid of people, that she often in fear and having insomnia and amnesia. And she always hold a small doll and always says it’s her very precious Mono(thing).”
“Just exactly what my uncle said,” said Tachibana.
Kai Goto then continues “From all these information, I can conclude that Mono’s case are similar with the feral child’s case.”
“Feral Child?” ask Tachibana.
“The child who has lived secluded from human or not much experience of human care, loving or social behavior, and especially human language. This would sound very similar to Tarzan story, but it really happens in real world,” said Kai Goto.
“So he…”
“He doesn’t have mental problem. However, he has problem in communicating with us.”
“Can you please explain more? I still can’t understand it.” Say the doctor.
“Normally, normal people like us managed to live as we should because we are being cared by the parents and guardians and being taught by our environment to the point we can live by managing ourselves and adapt with the society. However, most wild child manage to survive in their wild environment by depended on the creature that gives love to them and learn to mimic that creature or in some case just mimic but they can act like human. This causes them to behave wild when facing with normal society. They can’t adapt to norm as they have used to what they have lived before.”
 “I see… But still, he still has human contact especially his mother. So why he afraid of human?” said the doctor.
            “True, but her mother is the main reason why he becomes like this.”
“What..?” Reply the doctor.
“You see, when a person lost their precious person, his or her grief can cause it to avoid contact from the other people. Usually, these people can be treated by bringing them to the nursing home or by mental hospital, but if left untreated for a very long time, it can leave a very deep scar inside their heart. And that’s what drove her to insane. Which is why she is too scared to interact with other human and actually, including her own son. The only way for her to love his son is by loving him as an object, not as a human.”
“….” All of us being silent, listening to Kai Goto’s explanation. We still have a lot to hear.
“In Mono case, he is not having any problem that normal human usually do as for example, loneliness except fear of other human because he is socially isolated during his crucial mental age. Usually these kind of people have no one to turn to in personal emergencies, no one to confide in during a crisis, and no one to correct their own behavior against or learn etiquette from as what we referred to sometimes as social control, though this might be best described as simply being able to see how other people behave and adapt oneself to that behavior. Everything that should be taught as a human being is neglected by his own mother. Mono on the other hand, learned that everything that is done by his own mother as love, until he has done a biggest mistake that saves his life.”
            “What do you mean? This is sound very confusing,” ask me.
 “Mono’s mother is a very possessive person. She does not even want to let go anything that she though as precious. However, Mono manages to escape from her possessiveness through his own curiosity toward the outside world. Human is born to be having curiosity and from the curiosity comes learning. This gives a strong impact to Mono to go away from her mother. But as he follows his instinct toward the curiosity, he realizes he has lost his most important person, his own mother. And this makes him stressful mentally and physically, causing his body is still in child form. And worst, he does not want to get near to human or ask for help because he believes we are the ones who take his mother away from him.”
“So that’s why Mono becomes aggressive to us,” said Tachibana.
“…” From this discussion, I felt like I understand more about Mono.
“But then,” said doctor “What should we do for this child?”
Everyone being silent about it. I don’t know what to say about it.
“I wish to take custody of this child,” said Kai Goto. These words surprised us. He then continues, “In this situation, I can help him.”
Still in disbelief, I ask him, “You have the way to help him?”
“Now, Mono needs to live as a real human being. We cannot let him to continue to live his life miserably. I will take care of him by asking fund for the new research on pedagogy,” said Kai Goto.
I slam the table. “You mean… you want to make Mono into test subject!!”
“Being a research subject is the most correct term.”
“How could you… do that?! Mono shouldn’t be treated like that!!”
“Then do you have any idea how to help Mono?” I silent hearing that answer. Even Tachibana and doctor being silent about it. “Be realistic, Mr. Hiroshi. We live in the world where the amount of kindness that we have is limited.”
“…” I couldn’t answer him back… because I also thought about it not long before…
“Until now, there are many feral children that having problem to live with society that some is placed in mental hospital and some even run away to their old ‘habitat’. In order to not let that misfortune happen, this is the best way for him to live as we continue to making him a human being. The least we can do is to let Mono do something in return,” reply Kai Goto.
“If you need money to fund for Mono, I can help you,” said Tachibana “After all, if my grandfather is here, he should also do the same. Besides, my family got a lot of money from the government after selling the village.”
“Thank you very much both of you,” Said the doctor and then he look at me with sad face “I’m sorry for things to be like this. But the reason why I’m choose to calling Mr. Kai Goto to come is because the hospital asked me to send Mono to mental hospital as soon as possible since yesterday’s incident. I can’t do much other than follow the higher ups and I also believe Mono does not deserve to go to mental hospital.”
“….” I hate myself for being helpless. If only I can do something….
After everyone look at me being silence for a while, Kai Goto said “I believe we don’t have anything to say anymore, right?”
And the silent continues. I can’t look at their face except just look down.
“Mr. Hiroshi.” Tachibana patted my shoulder. “It’s alright, don’t force yourself on this. You have your own life to think about.”
“Mr. Tachibana…” I look at him, listening to his words. And when I look around, the doctor and Kai Goto already gone out from the room.
“Mmm…” grunt Mono. He open his eyes slowly and seeing me looking at him. “Iirohi,” said him with his slow voice. His face doesn’t show any reaction.
“Yes. I’m here.”
He then look around and seeing Doctor, Kai Goto and Tachibana. “Uuhh!!” shout Mono in fear and he quickly hugs me.
“It’s okay, they don’t want to harm you.” I rubbed his head to calm him down.
“Huuu….” And he hugs me like I’m a tree.
“Mono,” said Kai Goto. Mono quickly turn his head, disbelief with what he heard. Kai Goto smile and patted his head gently and say “Mono, daijobu(it’s alright), daijobu.”
“…..” Slowly Mono loose his hug and almost falls down. I quickly hold him from falling.
“Just as I expected,” said Kai Goto while continue to pet him “His mother really call him Mono.”
Seeing Mono becoming docile as Kai Goto continue to pet him until he is on his bed, Tachibana and doctor also pet him and call his name.
“Mono… Mono… Mono…” Hearing people calling his name, he let down all his guard.
Kai Goto then had a though “Try to call a nurse to come,” he asks the doctor. The doctor calls a nurse by pressing the red button near the bed for emergency calling.
The nurse then come “What is it, doctor?” Mono quickly surprised and being scared with the nurse’s appearance.
“Woah!” said the nurse. She also startled seeing Mono has woken up. Doctor and Kai Goto then walk out the room and telling her something, but me, Mono and Tachibana can’t hear it, as they talk about it very slowly. Not long after that, the nurse come in and smile at Mono “Hello Mono. Good morning.”
This startled Mono so much, and then she come near him and pet Mono “Daijobu Mono, daijobu,”
“…” He just looking amazed with the people that calling his name.
“This is unexpected,” said Kai Goto, “He doesn’t attack with the people that calling him Mono.”
Doctor then said, “If he continues to be docile, we can let him stay in this hospital for further treatment.”
“I believe things can get better here,” said Kai Goto.
Then, does that mean Mono crying with me yesterday doesn’t because he remembers me, but because I called his name? If so, doesn’t that mean there’s nothing I can do with Mono anymore? This heartbreak me…
“You’re so cute,” say the nurse while petting Mono. Mono smile at her while being petted.
“He’s so docile,” said the young patient girl looking at Mono being petted.
“And he’s friendly,” said the other girl who is same tall as him.
Mono is surrounded by a lot of female regardless of age on this hospital.
“(Giggle) Mono is a ladykiller,” said Tachibana.
“Yeah,” I reply him weakly. Staring Mono from afar makes me pensive. It’s been months since Kai Goto is taking care of Mono in this hospital. At first week, I have to go out from the hospital because of my work, and Mono is worrying because I’m not around. But a few weeks after that, he doesn’t bother me much and interacting with Kai Goto more. He is improving by days, and he can do rehabilitation exercise and speak a few nowadays. There’s not much that I can do for him.
Realizing that I’m not really in the mood to answer him, he patted my back “Chill out! At least Mono is being treated kindly, right?”
“Yes…” Maybe I shouldn’t come here today.
Tachibana gives a relief sigh “I can finally go back with ease.”
“Oh, when you will go back?”
“It will be today. I have been here for quite a while. I also have work to do at my home.”
“I see. Thank you for everything Mr. Tachibana.” And I bow to him.
“Yes, thank you for everything too.” And he bows to me.
Tachibana walk toward Mono “Mono.” Mono look at him. Tachibana bow to him “It’s been a pleasure to meet you. I have to go now, farewell Mono.”
Mono then bow to him slowly “Sa…” he still can’t speak the right word. Tachibana gives him a smile. He looks at me, giving the message to try my best. I just nod at him although I don’t know what he meant. Tachibana then walks out from the hospital.
It’s sad when separating our ways, but that is life.
“Mr. Hiroshi,” said Kai Goto. I startled with his word. “I’m sorry if I have startled you. How have you been?”
“Oh, I’m doing fine.”
“Yes.” And he looks at Mono from afar. Many people still want to meet and talk with Mono especially girls.
He giggling with Mono’s behavior “He’s becoming quite extrovert recently. It’s good that he keep on improving.”
“Yeah,” answer me while look at him from afar.
“Mr. Hiroshi.” Said Kai Goto while looking at me “You haven’t seen Mono for quite a while, don’t you want to meet him?”
“…. No, I don’t think he needs me anymore. I don’t even see he is missing me.”
“He still lacks some expression of emotion, so sometimes we don’t know what he is feeling.”
“Still, Mono can go on without me.”
“Mr. Hiroshi, tomorrow Mono can go out from the hospital.”
I give Kai Goto a smile “Really? That’s good news! Mono can go out and see more of the outside world. “
“Still, I wish you can meet Mono,” said Kai Goto. He then bow to me and walk toward Mono.
I walk out from the hospital, wandering around with my deep though until I found a bench to sit at.
The problem is solved, Mono now can live happily. Hiroshi, things is getting better, so why are you sad?
Sigh, I give a big sigh. It’s not like I can do much for Mono. I’m just a salaryman who live with my mother. Still single and I’m now almost 30, mom also asking me when I will get married and my boss cut my salary because I take too much vacation. I have so many things to think that I making the thinker pose. I have my own problem that still not solved, so why I still think of Mono?
But then, why am I sacrificed so much just for him? He’s neither my family nor my friend. He just a person whose I met when I was small. And heck, I don’t even remember my old friend from primary school! It’s not that I’m in love with him, but I can’t get rid of him inside my mind.
That’s enough, Hiroshi. Stop thinking about it anymore. It’s now over.
Then, do I want to end everything this way?
“…” I quickly walk back to hospital to meet Kai Goto. This might seems ridiculous, but I don’t want it to end this way! Even if I have no money to help Mono, there’s another way for me to help Mono!
Kai Goto is on the corridor talking with the doctor that still in charge of Mono.
“Mr. Kai Goto.”
“Yes, Mr. Hiroshi?”
“Do you in need for assistance?”
Kai Goto surprised with what I said.
“Uhh, I mean, do you have a vacancy house near your place? No, no, I mean… uhh, I didn’t mean… “
“heh.” Kai Goto smile. He then looks at doctor “I’m sorry, it seems that assistance is not needed anymore.”
“So it seems,” reply doctor with smile.
“Huh?” What did they talking about?
“I am in need for the assistance to taking care of Mono. I can’t take care of him for 24 hours because I also have to work in my university. I have been wishing to ask you for working with me, but I worry that it might burden you. I don’t want to force you about it.”
“Me? Why?”
“Because the person Mono knows the most in the world is you. You’re the most important person for him.”
“No, there’s no way…”
“Hiroshi, Mono calls your name everytime he sees you, remember?”
“Yes, but…”
“You might not know this, but he never calls anybody name except you.”
“That….” I didn’t know about that. “Hahahaha….” I’m sorry Mono for not realizing that, I really do.
“I live in Tokyo in Saitama area. Since you also live in Tokyo, how about you move in my house?”
“Your house?” This is so sudden!!
“You don’t have to worry about living, because my house is a two-story rental apartment. My wife is the landlady of the house. She still has a lot of vacant room.”
“And about the salary, how many do you earn in a month?”
“It’s around 200,000 yen.”
“Then I double the salary, how’s that?”
“I’m in!” I quickly answer it without hesitation.
Kai Goto patted my shoulder. “Thank you very much, Mr. Hiroshi. I knew I could count on you.”
Somehow this makes me embarrassed. I used to think of him as a bad person “You’re welcome, Mr. Kai Goto.”
“Since it has come to this,” said the doctor “I guess I can give files that has Mono’s information today.”
“Yes, it is a good idea, doctor,” said Kai Goto.
We walk to doctor’s room. Doctor shows us all the data about Mono from X-ray picture, birth certificate and others.
I look at Mono certificate “Totoi Mono…”
“Totoi is his mother’s family name,” said Kai Goto.
Yes, but there’s something that I wished to do. “Is it alright if I change the word for Mono(thing)?”
“Why is it?” ask doctor.
“I don’t want Mono to be known as a thing. So is it all right if I change it into this?”
“And his name will be Totoi Mono (precious person)…” said Kai Goto. He smiles and looks at me. “This is a good name! Is it possible to change it?”
“Yes, I also agree. Let’s change it.”
And from then on, Mono will be known as ‘precious person’.
After taking all the files, Kai Goto ask me, “Mr. Hiroshi. Do you want to meet Mono now?”
“Yes.” I really want to meet him. He must be thinking the same.
We walk to Mono’s room.
“Iirohi!!” shout Mono happily. He run to me and hug me.
“See? I told you he missed you,” said Kai Goto.
“Yeah.” I smile at him. It feels really great to meet Mono.
“Looking at both of you like that, it feels like both of you are siblings.”
“Yeah. For me he is my family.” I patted his head. His small body that used to thin is now healthy like a normal person. His broken bone is healed, just leaving scars on his body. Still, he can make people fall for him. I really happy to see him getting better.
“Mono.” I hold his shoulder. He looks at me. “Tomorrow you will leave the hospital and go to live with Mr. Kai Goto.  Wait for me there Mono, I will come and live with you.”
Kai Goto translates it slowly with sign language to let Mono know what I meant. He then smile and say, “Hai(yes)!”
I am Miki Ogasawa. I am a journalist that comes to meet the man who lives in the wilderness. He is once known as the man who is treated like a thing by his own family, until he is saved by a man known as Doctor Hiroshi and Professor Kai Goto.
This is a hot topic in Japan, but we don’t get much information as they ban us to make news about him.
            5 years have passed since then and unexpectedly, they allow me to interview with the man directly.
So here I am, in front of the door of the old Japanese rental apartment, knocking the door.
Knock knock knock.
“Yes,” answer the man. He opens the door and look at me “Are you Miki Ogasawa?”
“Yes,” And I give him my card “This is my card, are you the man who live in wilderness?”
“No, my name is Hiroshi.” He then smiles at me “Please come in.”
“Thank you.” I enter the house. There is loud noise like children playing around in this house.
Hiroshi lead me to the living room. I sit on the cushion prepared and he goes to the kitchen. The sound of children playing still can be heard. Hiroshi comes and gives me the tea “Please excuse me for a moment.” And he walks to the voice that I heard before.
“Mariko. That’s enough. Somebody wants to meet Mono, go play outside with your friend,” said Hiroshi.
“Yes daddy,” reply the girl.
“Thank you Uncle Hiroshi!!” said the other children. “Good bye Mono!! Have a good date!!” And they are running while laughing.
Thump thump thump, the sound of children running is heard. She and her friends run outside the house.
“I’m sorry for waiting,” said Hiroshi “Miss Miki, meet Mono.” And he points his hand to a handsome young man. He wears fine clothes, and has a bright smile.
He smile and bow to me. “Hello, my name is Totoi Mono. Nice to meet you.”

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