Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Promotion for D'Raksha

Sorry everyone for being absent for a long time. I am away from the blog for quite a long time because currently I am involving in a monster fantasy comic series, D'Raksha. the title come from DNA and Rakshasha (Raksasa or monster in Sanskrit). The story is about the monster that is created with artificial DNA. Currently, our team (my team consist of 4 people, 2 writer and 2 artist) already making oneshot.

You can watch it on this link (English version)

Credit to Nurel Yana Maurad and Harithtaroon for the art
Or go to this link (Malay version)'raksha.html

If you like this one-shot, you can vote our comic in this link

you need a google account to vote. Thank you very much ^^ !!